The 3rd Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems (IWES 2018)

Siena, Italy -- 13-14 September 2018


**** Call for Presentations ****
-- Submission deadline for presentations: 3rd July 2018 --

The Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems (IWES) is a meeting point for
the exchange of research experience in academy and industry on all
aspects of embedded systems.

=== Aims and scope ===

The workshop aims at:

- Providing a forum where researchers on embedded systems can present
their work, exchange ideas, receive constructive feedback, and
interact with the other research groups in the country, thus
offering an opportunity for meeting, programming and organising
projects, research work or other initiatives.

- Facilitating connections and building synergies between Academy and
Industry, by providing a place where companies involved in the
Embedded Systems business can showcase their current technical
challenges and strategic interests and conveniently get up-to-date
with the research lines and latest results achieved by the Italian
research community on the topic.

- Increasing awareness of the importance of the Embedded Systems
business among B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in Computer Science
and Engineering and of the career opportunities offered by companies
active in the field.


=== Workshop Venue ===

The 3rd edition of the Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems (IWES
2018) will be held at University of Siena on 13-14 September 2018.
Via Roma 56 (S. Niccolo' building), Siena.


=== Submission of presentations ===

IWES 2018 welcomes authors from academy and industry to submit
proposals for presentations.

Three types of presentations are solicited:

1. Introduction of groups from scientific institutions active in
research on Embedded Systems, presenting their research lines to
the audience.

2. Introduction of companies involved in the Embedded Systems
business, presenting their research lines and/or business
challenges to the audience.

3. Technical presentations on all aspects of design, implementation
and analysis of Embedded Systems.

See the workshop website http://mclab.di.uniroma1.it/iwes2018 for
instructions on submission of presentations.

=== Important dates ===

- Presentations submission deadline: 03rd July 2018
- Notification deadline: 15th July 2018
- Early registration deadline: 21st July 2018
- Workshop: 13-14th Sept. 2018

=== Workshop organisation ===

IWES 2018 is organised by the Computer Architecture Lab and the Department
of Information Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Siena.

Workshop website: http://mclab.di.uniroma1.it/iwes2018

Workshop chair:
- Roberto Giorgi, University of Siena, Italy

Local organising committee:
- Marco Procaccini, University of Siena, Italy
- Farnam Khalili, University of Siena, Italy