June 17-21, 2019, University of Salerno, Italy


The fourteenth edition of the International Summer School on Software Engineering intends to provide a contribution to PhD students and academic and industrial researchers on latest findings in the field of Software Engineering. The invited lecturers are internationally recognised research leaders and will cover very relevant topics for the scientific community, including software design, software architectures, software testing, automated bug fixing, micro services, software containers, gender inclusive software, Internet of Things, mining software repositories, empirical software engineering, and search based software engineering. The program of the school will aim at creating discussion forums between lecturers and industrial and academic attendees. Submission of student talks and tool demos will also be encouraged to further stimulate the discussion.


  • Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - “Micro Services, Containers and Software Engineering”
  • Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University, USA - “Engineering Inclusiveness into your Software”
  • Mark Harman, Facebook and University College London, United Kingdom - “Fault Finding and Fixing at Facebook“
  • Nenad Medvidovic, University of Southern California, USA - “Mining Software Repositories for Architectural Knowledge”
  • Fabio Palomba, University of Zurich, Switzerland - “Software Design 101: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Tests, and Communities”
  • Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS, Germany - “IoT Testing and the Eclipse IoT Testware”


The school will be held at the campus of the University of Salerno, located in Via G. Paolo II, 132, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy.
The University of Salerno is very close to some of the most beautiful and historical places of Italy, such as Amalfi Coast, Capri, Pompei, and Paestum.


Registration fees are EUR 500 for academic and industrial researchers and EUR 250 for PhD students (proof required). They include admission to all the lectures, slides and other materials prepared by the lecturers, luncheons, and social functions. Attendees can also register for specific tutorials. In this case, registration fees are EUR 100 for each attended tutorial and include admission to the registered lecture, slides and other materials prepared by the lecturer, luncheons, and the coffee break.

The deadline for registration is May 20, 2019.

Detailed information about program, registration, travel, and accommodation is available at:


Student talks and tool demos are intended for attendees (mainly PhD students) who want to present their research work. Attendees interested in giving a talk or demonstrating a tool should register and submit the slides of their presentation by May 10, 2019. Attendees will be notified about the inclusion of their talk/demo in the program by May 15, 2019.


Software Engineering Lab
Department of Informatics
University of Salerno, Italy

International Summer School on Software Engineering
Scientific Secretariat
Department of Informatics
University of Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
phone: +39 089 963324
fax: +39 089 963303